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According to IHS Markit research, there will be more than twenty million vehicles on the road in 2021 that will be over twenty-five years old. Vintage cars and trucks are incredibly popular, and it’s not hard to see why. The classic look of an older truck is sure to never fully go out of style. What will definitely go out of style, however, is old, worn out upholstery. Here are some simple dos and don’ts for updating your custom truck interior upholstery.



  • Pick colors you like: If you’re going to be choosing custom seat upholstery, you want it to be in colors that you enjoy. Your vehicle’s interior reflects your personality, and you want your color choices to be part of that.


  • Choose easily-cleaned fabrics: Whenever possible, opt for a leather seat kit, as leather is going to be more easily wiped off than fabric, should a spill occur.


  • Remember your vehicle: Keep in mind the existing look of your vehicle. This is especially true for vintage or classic vehicles; pay attention to the styles of the era that your vehicle is from.



  • Pick light colors: Light colors stain and show wear more readily than darker colors. Unless you’re planning on reupholstering your car seats very frequently, you want to choose something that will hide the wear.


  • Pick clashing colors: If you want your custom truck interior upholstery to maintain that classic aesthetic that so many older vehicles have, try to pick long-standing favorites, rather than a modern, trendy style.


  • Forget your exterior: Some classic cars have areas to reupholster on the exterior of the car as well, like convertibles. If you have elements of the exterior that are designed to match the interior, either reupholster both, or make sure they still match after you’re done reupholstering the interior.


Bringing a vintage or classic vehicle into the first century is easy with the right upholstery. Make sure you follow these tips for reupholstering your car’s interior, and your classic ride will stay in style for years to come. Looking for upholstery services for your car to give it a new, fresh look? Contact Rocky Mountain Upholstery for all your reupholstery, from cars to furniture and even aircraft.